
705BLACKFLY.COM Celebrates Our 1 Year Anniversary!

Time flies when you’re having fun! September 1st marks 1 year since we launched 705BLACKFLY.COM. We finished the year with a bang – an incredible 10, 593 views to our stories in August, bringing our total views for the year to 47, 333!

It’s been quite a journey for us. Our decision to leave the city in 2022 and move to the 705 was a leap of faith, as was the decision to start our business. We wanted to do away with negative news as much as possible and tell stories that are both informative and fun. We also wanted to use our video production skills to bring something innovative to the market.  The feedback we’ve heard the most in the past year is, “We need you up here.” We take that to heart and genuinely want to bring you the best product we possibly can.

Meta’s decision to block news links in Canada is obviously a concern. We still encourage our readers to bookmark our website and follow us on X @705blackfly and our YouTube channel 705BLACKFLY. Because of the changing landscape of social media, we also have to change and adapt. We have some new features in the works that we look forward to sharing with you.

We have a lot of great things underway including the extensive genealogy project with the Commanda General Store Museum, and the release of the documentary we have produced in collaboration with OUTLoud North Bay. We are so excited to be working with the fantastic teams at both these organizations.

Of course, we’ve had some amazing people behind us that we’d like to thank:

Thank you to Mark, Muhammad, and Kattie at 10com Web Development. We couldn’t do it without you.

Thank you to the talented writers and videographers who have contributed content.

Thank you to Hunters Bay Radio for giving us another platform to share our work.

Thank you to Alan and Brenda Fraser who have been so integral to our growth.

Thank you to our clients for trusting us to help grow their organizations.

And a HUGE thank you to our readers. We took a chance and started a very unique small business, and we’re deeply grateful for your support.

Now for some exciting news! We’ve been nominated in 4 Categories for the Almaguin News/Parry Sound North Star Readers’ Choice Awards 2023.

  • Best New Business
  • Best Family Business
  • Best Overall Service – Professional Services
  • Best Videography Services

Voting will be conducted until October 2nd. If you’d like to vote for us please go to:


We have more great things coming, so please keep visiting our website, follow us on social media, and advertise with us!

Thanks to everyone for your support. Watch for what we’ll do next!

Mike & Sabina Hooper


Sobering Stats From The OPP Ahead Of Labour Day Weekend

705 Announcements – September 1st