
Burk’s Falls & Area Pitch In Day

Writer: Emma MacIssaac


Burk’s Fall Lions are celebrating Earth Day with the “Burk’s Falls & Area Pitch In Day”. Organized by Burk’s Falls resident Matthew Orr, the event will take place at 10:00 AM on April 22nd. Individuals who are interested in participating can register online at and will be provided with materials such as bags and gloves on the day of the event. The community will be meeting at the Village Parking Lot at 172 Ontario Street to distribute supplies before breaking into teams to begin cleaning. This event is an effort to raise awareness about Earth Day and give eevryone a chance to connect with the community while supporting a good cause.



Earth Day was first established in 1970 to prioritize the protection of our planet. Over the past 50 years, initiatives such as have hosted cleanup events, fought against pollution, and sought to help make our world a better place. As issues such as climate change, overconsumption of fossil fuels, and various forms of pollution grow more prominent, acting becomes more important than ever. Earth Day is a time to reflect on our bad habits and ask ourselves how we can improve. Reducing our consumption of fast fashion, recycling when possible, and reducing littering are all small tasks that can have a major impact on the well-being of our planet. Participating in an Earth Day cleanup is a great way to get actively involved in making change.

While Earth Day is a useful reminder to be eco-friendly, being a friend to the environment can be part of your everyday life. The Burk’s Pitch In Day fights to raise awareness and spark discussion about a greater problem plaguing our world. Participating in an Earth Day event can be incredibly validating and is important for raising awareness about environmental issues that impact all of us. As organizer Matthew Orr states, “Little things make a huge difference. Especially if everyone collaborates together, something difficult becomes a piece of cake.”

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