
Burks Falls Continues Search For Tenders To Repair Ball Diamond

A few weeks ago, 705BLACKFLY.COM ran a story about Burk’s Falls looking for contractors to help revitalize its local ball diamond. While they have received some phone calls, they are still trying to secure tenders for the fencing and landscaping that needs to be done.

Last May, the Toronto Blue Jays awarded the village $50,000 under its Field of Dreams program. The funds are allotted to purchasing new fencing, bleachers and upgrades to the infield and outfield to make them safer for the kids to play on. The upgrades have a $76,000 price tag, and the municipality is also contributing $22,000 – $25,000 from its reserve funds to augment the grant. That money will be replenished by the sale of advertising on the boards of the outfield.

Councillor Ryan Baptiste, who also coaches the Burk’s Falls Boltz, says that the original July 26th deadline for tenders has been extended to accommodate already busy contractors.

“I was thinking that so long as we get it done before frost hits it’s something that we can do,” Baptiste said. “I don’t want to lose that money.”

Mayor Chris Hope told us he has confidence that contractors will step up to the plate.

“The tenders aren’t really an issue, it’s just they may be a little slower than expected,” Hope told us. “This time of the year it’s difficult to get contractors so there may be a slight delay but we don’t see any long-term issue with that.”

For more information, please watch our video. If you can help, please contact:

Denis Duguay, CAO-Clerk

705.382.3138 ext 226

Camille Barr, Senior Administrative Assistant

705.382.3138 ext 224


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