Underground Railroad

Unique Kearney Quilt Show Explores The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad was a secret network of abolitionists who helped African Americans escape from enslavement in the American South to Canada. It was the largest anti-slavery freedom movement in North America. To communicate information to one another without being caught, slaves often used quilt blocks. The colours and pictures would serve as a code about plans for escape.

On August 10th, St. Patrick’s Church in Kearney will be hosting a unique quilt show and fundraiser. As part of the exhibit, there will be a presentation about how quilting led countless slaves to freedom. In addition to the Underground Railroad presentation, there will be 40 stunning quilts on display. The quilts were all made by one woman and was donated to the show by her husband after she passed away.

Enjoy our video about this deeply moving tribute to freedom in Canada.

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