
Bell Takes Down Fallen Tree In Strong After Readers Contacted 705BLACKFLY.COM

We really touched a nerve with our article about a fallen tree that posed a safety hazard in Armour earlier this week. In case you missed it:

Since then, we’ve received dozens of reports and photographs of hazardous fallen trees. One in particular needed immediate attention. This post appeared on Facebook and was forwarded to us by reader, Julie Mattice-Gagnon.

The tree is located in the Township of Strong. We reached out to them to find out why it wasn’t being removed when it is clearly a safety hazard. We spoke with Caitlin Haggart, Clerk Administrator for Strong. She explained that they were aware of the situation, but township staff did not have the training needed to handle the line belonging to Bell. She also informed us that Bell had been notified about the fallen tree a week earlier but had not yet responded.

We then contacted Bell about the fallen tree and sent them a screen capture of the Facebook post, and the incident number provided to us by Mary Cogan, the writer of the Facebook post. We received a response late this afternoon from Patricia Garcia, Manager of Communications at Bell:

“As soon as we became aware of this matter our technicians were on site within a few hours to remove the tree and attend to the wires, which were not damaged.”

We did not receive a statement about why there was a delay in responding to the complaint filed a week ago.

We encourage our readers to continue to let us know about these dangerous trees. You can send photos to sabina@705BLACKFLY.COM.

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