
Huntsville To Continue Flying U.S. Flag

“I understand the anger, the despair, the grief, all of the different feelings and emotions that people are having around this. I get it.” said Huntsville Mayor Nancy Alcock at a council meeting on March 24th.

It’s been a hot button issue across the country that has sparked many angry debates – should the U.S. flag be flown in Canada. Huntsville Council has unanimously agreed to continue to fly the flags in the town.

“We know this is an emotional issue for many in our community, and we want to assure residents that this decision was made with careful thought and trust in our provincial and federal leaders to navigate this difficult situation,” Mayor Alcock said in a statement to 705BLACKFLY.COM. “Our community’s ties with our U.S. neighbours run deep, and we remain hopeful for a positive resolution, trusting that our shared values of respect and friendship will guide us through.”

The mayor and councillors all reported having received many phone calls and emails from concerned residents. They agreed that the tariffs and threats of annexing Canada is to blame for the anger directed at U.S. Donald Trump and his administration, and it does not extend to the American people.

“We wouldn’t want them to take our flag down. Like I said, the flag represents the people, not the government,” said Councillor Monty Clouthier.

“It’s embracing the importance of what the G8 was all about and that is countries that work together, collaboratively, collectively, to work their problems out,” said Mayor Alcock, referencing Flag Park.

Flag Park represents the flags of each of the G8 countries that attended the 2010 G8 Summit in Huntsville. The Russian flag was removed in 2022 when the country invaded Ukraine.

“What the U.S has done at this point is not what the Russians have done. If they’re imposing tariffs on us, that is not illegal, and it is not an aggression of war,” said Councillor Helena Renwick.

“I don’t like the idea of altering historical displays in Huntsville,” agreed Councillor Cory Clarke.”

Clark suggested that council consider removing flags from arenas but restoring them as a sign of respect when visited by teams from south of the border. While conceding that the majority of people he’d spoken to supported lowering the American flag in Huntsville, Councillor Bob Stone reiterated that U.S. citizens should not be disrespected because the actions of their government.

“The flag is a representation of its people and not its temporary leader,” Stone said. “Much like at the hockey games lately, I don’t agree with booing the American anthem. I think it’s more appropriate to sit quietly and wait until the Canadian anthem comes on and then scream it loudly and proudly.”

Also of concern was the impact on local businesses who are still struggling to recover from Covid-19 shutdowns.

“The last things we want to do is add another reason for someone not to come to town and spend money on business,” said Councillor Scott Morrison. “And I have a real hard time taking a flag down because we feel it sends a message and not thinking of the financial implications of these people.”

While most municipalities in the 705 region have opted to fly the American flag, on March 4th Barrie Mayor Alex Nuttall ordered the removal of all American flags from municipal buildings, including arenas, in response to the tariffs imposed on Canadian imports.

However, Huntsville council emphasized that their decision is subject to change. President Trump has repeatedly vowed to secure U.S. control of Greenland. During his speech to a joint a session of Congress on March 4th, Trump stated “”We need Greenland for national security and even international security. I think we’re going to get it. One way or the other, we’re going to get it.”  It’s a statement that doesn’t sit well with Huntsville Council.

“Granted that if he does go in and invade Greenland as he said, I will climb up that pole myself and take it (the U.S. flag) down,” quipped Councillor Dione Schumacher.

Council also approved the new Muskoka Tariff Response measures which responds to Premier Doug Ford’s request that municipalities “restrict US based businesses from participating in municipal procurement.” Huntsville has agreed to opt for a “Canada preferred” approach to support the local economy and create jobs.

Muskoka recently launched a new Tariff Information Resource Hub to provide updates on trade policy developments, information on local sourcing options, support for supply chain impacts, and connections to funding and business assistance programs.

“Businesses across Muskoka are preparing for the impacts that US tariff increases will have on trade, supply chains and Muskoka’s economy, and they need access to resources to help them be resilient as they navigate these economic shifts,” said District of Muskoka Chair Jeff Lehman. “The Muskoka Tariff Information Hub connects local businesses and residents to valuable tools and provides access to the most recent information right at their fingertips.”

The Team Muskoka tariff working group is led by the district’s new Regional Economic Development and Grants Officer, Luke Preston, with representatives from area municipalities, chambers of commerce, tourism organizations, and business support groups.

Have a look at the video of Huntsville council’s discussion about flying the U.S. flag.

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