
OutLoud North Bay Volunteers Awarded King Charles III Coronation Medal

Five outstanding volunteers from OUTLoud North Bay have been awarded the prestigious King Charles III Coronation Medal for their work in supporting youth in the community.

The award honours 30,000 Canadians who have shown dedication, service, and significant contributions to society and our country. Nominations for recipients were received from partner organizations chosen by the Government of Canada. OUTLoud’s medals were presented by Anthony Rota, MP for Nipissing—Timiskaming.

OUTLoud North Bay was founded by Seth Compton and his family in 2019. The group describes itself as being “dedicated to creating a community of love, respect, understanding, acceptance, and awareness. Their mission focuses on supporting the mental health and well-being of the community, especially marginalized and vulnerable populations.”

The organization supports youth between the ages of 10-18 regardless of identity, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, culture, and abilities. OUTLoud provides a safe space for a variety of essential services including peer-to-peer support, harm reduction, suicide prevention, educational support, life skills programming, job readiness opportunities, and fostering a strong sense of community.

“The recognition of five local volunteers from OUTLoud North Bay highlights their exceptional work not only at the local level but nationwide,” says Ashley Patey, Chair of the Board of Directors. “These individuals exemplify the spirit of volunteerism and its positive impact on society. Day after day we have witnessed the positive impact our volunteers have made on the lives of the youth and their families.”

The honorees include Executive Director Seth Compton, Fundraising Coordinator Nicholas Forsyth, Volunteer Lead, Shelly Whitehead, Business Owner, Peter Reuten of Reuten Construction, and Youth Volunteer, Jackson Pauls.

705BLACKFLY.COM is a staunch supporter of OUTLoud. We first met Seth Compton in 2023 when the organization became the target of a hate campaign originating from the United States that included threats of violence. Since then, we have worked with them on many initiatives to promote peace, tolerance, and inclusivity including the documentary “Inside OUTLoud”. Please watch this heartbreaking and inspiring look at OUTLoud and the work they do to support all young people.

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