
Sobering Stats From The OPP Ahead Of Labour Day Weekend

On August 30th, the OPP Highway Safety Division released a video saying that 267 people have died in the past 242 days on OPP patrolled highways. That’s more than one every day. Last week alone, 118 people were charged with stunt driving and 197 impaired driving charges were laid.

Over the Labour Day long weekend, the OPP will be conducting a four-day, province-wide traffic initiative. The focus is on “The Big 4,” which includes:

Aggressive driving/speeding

Inattentive/distracted driving

Alcohol/drug-impaired driving

Lack of or improper use of seatbelts

The annual Labour Day campaign is part of a larger campaign called “Canada Road Safety Strategy 2025.” The long weekend blitz runs from Friday Sept. 1st through Monday Sept 4th.

And with many kids heading back to school next week, please be alert and do not speed. Some important points to remember:

  • Always drive according to the posted speed limit in school zones.
  • Familiarize yourself with common traffic signs that you may encounter in school zones.
  • Pay attention while driving in school parking lots and be aware of children who may be walking or running in the lot or in between parked cars.
  • Do not park or idle in drop-off/pick-up zones. Avoid stopping in front of schools to ease congestion and make roads safer for everyone.

Walking to school safety tips 

  • Always cross the street at school crossing guard locations or at intersections.
  • Be patient and take your direction to walk from the pedestrian signals, not the lights.
  • Be alert, pay attention to your surroundings and avoid using any mobile device or wearing headphones that will distract you while crossing the street.

Cycling to school safety tips 

  • Always wear your helmet and make sure it fits snuggly. By law in Ontario, anyone under the age of 18 is required to wear a helmet while cycling.
  • Obey all road signs and follow the flow of traffic.
  • Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings and stay on the lookout for road hazards such as glass, sand and gravel.

Chainsaw Sculptor Jake Rhodes

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