
TP North Bay Surpasses Goal

In a time when many not-for-profit agencies are struggling, we love being able to report that the TP North Bay campaign has surpassed its goal of collecting 20, 000 rolls of toilet paper. Thanks to the generosity of the community, 27, 350 will be distributed to 16 food banks and pantries across North Bay. The timing couldn’t be better – this was the group’s 10th annual campaign. That brings the total number of rolls of toilet paper collected by the organization to 198, 707.

We spoke with TP North Bay founder and chair, Ellen Faulkner when the campaign began in May, and she told us that people in need were literally having to go without food so that they could afford toilet paper.

In a statement on June 12th, Ellen said: “North Bay companies, clubs and citizens continue to show their generosity and community support and we could not do it without everyone who contributed from just a few rolls to hundreds of rolls.  A big thank you from our small TP North Bay Team.”

We love seeing communities come together for good. Congratulations to Ellen and all of the volunteers at TP North Bay for an amazing contribution to their community.


To listen to our previous interview with Ellen Faulkner:

TP North Bay Toilet Paper Drive

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