
Update – Druthers Newspaper Investigation

Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal denies motion to dismiss investigation into doctors opposed to Covid-19 vaccine

705BLACKFLY.COM has been investigating the accuracy of the information in a newspaper distributed by Canada Post in the 705 regions named “Druthers”.


One headline stated, “80 Canadian MDS vaxxed and dead”. The accompanying article by Dr. Mark Trozzi read “the extreme body count of men, women, and children who have been injured or died following the forced and misrepresented genetic injections, continues to grow.” Accompanying the article were the photographs of 80 doctors from across Canada.


As part of our investigation into the accuracy of this statement, we contacted the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and were able to confirm that Dr. Trozzi is being investigated for “disgraceful, dishonorable or unprofessional conduct and/or failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in relation to his communications, including but not limited to communications by email and on online/digital platforms, regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and related issues, including but not limited to making misleading, incorrect or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and public health measures for Covid-19; and that Dr. Trozzi is incompetent in relation to his communications, outlined above.”


We also confirmed that Dr. Trozzi had had his practice restricted – that includes:

– not providing medical exemptions in relation to vaccines for Covid-19

– not providing medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for Covid-19

– and not providing medical exemptions in relation to testing for Covid-19.


Dr. Patrick Brian Phillips and Dr. Crystal s. Lucky are also being investigated for professional misconduct.


A hearing was held on November 23rd in Toronto by the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal about whether the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has the authority to investigate the three doctors.


In their ruling, The Tribunal states:
“This is a motion by three members of the College, Drs. Mark Trozzi, Patrick Phillips, and Crystal Luchkiw. They move to dismiss the referrals against them on jurisdictional grounds, without merits hearing. In the Notice of Motion and their factum, the members rely on two major grounds, administrative and constitutional law respectively. …In our view, the scope of the investigations, the validity of the appointments, and the existence of reasonable and probable grounds are evident.”

It continues, “In our view, the Superior Court’s rulings on these contested applications leave no room for the three moving parties to argue that the College lacks statutory authority to proceed with the Tribunal applications that have resulted from the investigations in question. …The physician’s motion is dismissed. The Tribunal Office will schedule a CMC (Case Management Conference) to set hearing dates. This panel is not seized of any of these cases.”

We confirmed that following the hearing on November 23rd, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario received thousands of emails and phone calls – some threatening violence against staff.


Dr. David Fisman is an epidemiologist and a former member of the province’s Covid-19 Science Advisory Table. In a statement to 705BLACKFLY.COM following The Tribunal’s ruling Dr. Fisman writes:  “It’s important that the CPSO is continuing to make disciplinary decisions in a fair and methodical way, notwithstanding the extraordinary amount of intimidation they’ve been subjected to. The failure of provincial authorities to take action against those who have been threatening the CPSO does continue to surprise me.”


The Municipality of Magnetawan is one of the regions where Druthers is being distributed. Mayor Sam Dunnett tells us, “It is truly unfortunate that some doctors will support scientific research into finding medicines to help cure/alleviate devastating viruses/diseases etc. However, some of these same doctors will occasionally disregard other scientifically researched and tested products that bring positive results on some medications to the vast majority of our population, but not all of us. We all know and accept that science does not always work in the positive for everyone, therefore science it is not perfect but it’s all we have to help mass populations stay healthy. Whatever the outcome I really hope that these doctors are allowed to retain their licenses and can stay in their communities where they are needed. Let their patients determine if they want to stay with them.”


We continue to gather more information and reaction – including reaching out to Druthers for their perspective – and will post a follow-up next week.


To view our previous stories on Druthers:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Around The 705

Monday Giggle